Project Kid: Build a Babo
Ready to design your tennis ball buddy? There are no two Babos alike, so make yours as wacky as you can!
What you’ll need:
Contents of the box (tennis ball, yarn, pipe cleaners, googly eyes, buttons, gemstones, Glue Dots)
Cardboard tube (paper towel or toilet paper roll)
Markers (optional)
Cut off about 1½ inches from the cardboard tube—that’s about the length of a tortilla chip. This will be your BABO’s body and acts as a stand to keep your ball from rolling around as you decorate.
Squeeze the ball to reveal your BABO’s mouth! This will determine where to put the nose and eyes.
Use sticky glue dots to bring your BABO to life! Separate the glue dots, and when you are ready to use one, peel off the paper backing. Press the glue dot firmly against the button, gemstone, or whatever craft supply you are using and then pull off the plastic backing. Now stick it in place on your tennis ball.
Wrap the ribbon around the cardboard tube piece. Add buttons to the body or pipe-cleaner arms. (You can also use your home marker stash to draw clothes onto the body if you choose.)
Ask a grown-up to help you break or cut the wooden ice-cream spoon in half, and glue them under the body as the feet.
Once your tennis ball buddy is completely decorated, place your BABO’s head on top of the body, and squeeze the sides: It can hold your trusty pencil, keys, coins, or hidden treasure in their mouth.